one of my goals this year is to read more and internet less. the less internet-ing thing is a work in progress but i'm making a decent dent in my reading list.
i finished dear daughter by elizabeth little last night. i enjoyed it despite the main character's celebutante like persona. the mystery is engaging and there were a bunch of twists up until the very end.
i've also fallen down the podcast rabbit hole which are perfect to listen to while i'm hanging out with rowan. one of my new favorites is all the books. it's expanded my reading list exponentially. i read a lot of the same kinds of books-thrillers,mysteries and a little non-fiction. thanks this podcast i've added a few different genres-historical fiction, short story compilations and fantasy, to my list. i'm excited to jump into some their recommendations.
my reading goal is 40 books this year. in the past i've read a two books a week but lately reading comes in at the bottom of my list of priorities. goodreads has informed me that i'm 4 books behind! i'm forcing myself to finish these books before i'm allowed to add any new ones to my list. up next a window opens by elisabeth egan. the little blurb on goodreads compares it to where did you go bernadette which i HATED and the storied life of aj fikry which i LOVED. i'm about 60 pages in and i'm not sure where on the spectrum it's going to land.
is there anything you're excited to add to your must read list?